Телефон:+7 (499) 653-71-72 |
> High definition audio in line with CAT-iq
> The M166 provides freedom and comfort to move around
> Pressing the alarm button will immediately alert the relevant staff and send the location received by the DLA unit
> Instant speech connection with the patient for trust and comfort
> Very easy to use: can be worn with a lanyard or a clip
> Two charger models: a desktop and a wall model
> DECT compliance for high-quality speech and security
The M166C pendant device contains:
- integrated battery
- Clip
- Lanyard cord
- Quick Reference Guide
- The M166CL can also accommodate the DLA module.
Note that a "Gx66 Download Cable V2" (EU917107) and a cable coming from the "M166 Conv Cable 5 pack" (EU917089) are needed for registering the M166C/CL. These cables are only needed during installation so most likely a few of these per service organisation is sufficient,
Дополнительная информация |
Коммуникатор M166CL DECT Communicator Kit
- Доступность: Под заказ
- Производитель: NEC
- Код товара: EU917066
Цена: 19 797.15 ₽
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